Saturday, October 29, 2011

A Typical Day At Via Lingua

I wake up at 6:30 in the morning, shower, get ready, grab a croissant and walk to class. I get to school around 8:15, print out some last minute materials and start teaching at 8:30am. Right now I am not teaching professionally. It is a part of my course ( you know so i can get my certificate to teach english as a second language) so I only teach for 30 minutes and I am observed by one of the teachers from the school. I teach either Beginner, Elementary or Intermediate/Advanced levels. Each day is a different level. Three students (like me) teach at a time so I am with two other people who also teach for 30 minutes. We usually have about 2 students to teach so it's more personal.

When that hour and a half is over (30X3) we then have 30 minutes where we discuss our lesson with the observer. We have to say some positives, some negatives then we get feedback. At 10:30 we start class where we go over different teaching stuff and grammar.

Then at 12:30 we have lunch and if we are teaching the next day then we have to meet up in the classroom at 1:30 for about an hour. In that hour we are given our lesson topic and we have to plan our lesson. There is someone there just in case we have any questions and then we go home, perfect our lesson, study grammar and do some assignments that are also given to us.

Sometimes we also meet after lessom planning to learn some more grammar, to redo a lesson if we feel that we failed and or to observe a real teacher teaching a larger group of students. It seems like a lot but the weeks have gone by so fast. I just finished my second week. Two more to go and hopefully I will get my certificate and start looking for a job!

The picture is of my TEFL binder for Via Lingua.

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