1. MTV TRL Awards: MTV Italia still has TRL. Who would have thought? Anyway, the Award Ceremony was held in Firenze this year and it was a free event. I got to see some of my favorite Italian artists sing live at Piazzale Michelangelo like Club Dogo, Marracash, Dolcenera, Francesca, Arisa, Moda, Noemi and Young the Giant. And then there were people I heard for the first time like Two Fingerz and Entics. I was really impressed by them. :) It was an amazing show.
2. San Lorenzo Market: All of your souvenirs come from this market! I live in the center of this market so all the vendors see me walk by everyday. This helps when I'm haggling cuz I get the best deal. People like seeing familiar faces. :)
3. Ristorante La Padellaccia: I went to this restaurant for my Christmas dinner and then a few more times after that. It's 2 minutes away from my apartment, it has quality food at decent prices and it's a homely environment.

4. Ryan Air: This is the airline that everyone uses to fly within Europe. It has insanely cheap flights (I got to fly to England and back for $50) and you can pretty much fly anywhere.
5. Gelato Festival: I LOVED this festival because it gave us an excuse to eat gelato Every. Single. Day! Even though I have a favorite gelato place in Florence, the best gelato I have ever had was from this festival. Man, I did not know that gelato got better!! Why can't we have Gelato Festivals back home?? :/
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