Tuesday, January 10, 2012

A Typical Day As A Nanny

As most of you know, I worked as a nanny for a month and a half with this lovely Brazilian family. I lived with them in Bagno a Ripoli, a town 30 minutes on bus from Florence. I took care of 2 lovely girls ages 7 and 11. I was laid off unfortunately before I was able to make this post. Since they are not Italian citizens they had a problem registering my with the city and were in danger of losing their job so they had to let me go. L Anyway, I did enjoy my time with them. Here is a look at what a day was like for me as a nanny.

7am: Wake up to make the kids breakfast. They ate toast, one piece of bread with Nutella and the other with butter. They drank chocolate milk.
7:35am: Make sure the little one got dressed, brushed her hair and brushed her teeth.
8:10am: Walked the little one out to the “bus stop” where she was picked up by a man in a van full of children.
From 8:15am to 2:45pm I had free time but had to do my chores at some point during that time.
8:15am: Did my chores of the day. A week’s work consisted of cleaning the girl’s rooms, the bathrooms, the living room, the kitchen, swept the house and ironed. I would tackle these one day at a time.
9:30am: Walk down the hill to catch the bus.
9:50am: I would get on the bus.
10:20am: I would get off the Piazza San Marco bus stop.
10:30am: I would be in my apartment.
11:00am: I would be off to the gym!! :)
1:20pm: I would get on the bus back to Bagno a Ripoli
1:40pm: I would get off the bus and start walking up that hill.
2:15pm: I would be in the house making some lunch.
2:45pm: I would be at the bus stop waiting for the little one.
3:00pm: I would make her a snack and would watch a little bit of tv.
3:30pm: We would be doing her English and Math homework.
From 4:30-7pm would be me time unless the little one needed something.
7:00pm: I would start making dinner.
After dinner I had the rest of the day off. I had weekends off and that’s when I would go to my apartment in downtown Florence.

* I would like to note that I went to the gym 3 days a week.  I had two days where I would go directly back to bed instead of going downtown to the gym.


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