Monday, January 2, 2012

Why was 2011 so awesome?

I wanted to make an end of the year post. This year felt so short yet so many wonderful things happened. I had so many firsts and life changing experiences that I feel truly blessed. I enjoy life more and more with each year that passes. 2011 was the best. 2012 will be better J
In 2011, I got to teach Italian at Napa High School for 3 months. Even though it was only two classes of level one Italian it was a challenge!! Are you kidding me? Teaching FRESHMEN anything is difficult. Lol. I had plenty of ups and downs and it left me with some wonderful memories. I will teach again. I love the feeling I get when I teach someone something new. Not just Italian but anything. If someone wants to know how to keep a steady hand while painting their nails that is something. If they want to know the correct spelling of a word and I help them out that’s good too. Knowledge is so powerful and educating another human being is one of the most rewarding things you can do.
This year I had my two treasured groups at UC Davis. Since Fall 2009 I had been a part of the Interested Ladies of Lambda Theta Alpha. My last year with them was amazing!! I made new friends, made stronger bonds, educated the community about LOVE, had plenty of road trips and left with two new best friends that will be a part of my life even now that I am no longer in the group. I also feel like I can call any of the girls any time and they will just take me in. <3 those are some good girls.
Mujeres Ayudando La Raza was a major part of 2011, especially during Spring Quarter, when to be honest I needed them more than they needed me.  One of my favorite memories was doing the Relay for Life. Seriously I was there until 3am walking around for Cancer!!!  And I did it with my cuddle buddy, Beverly, as well as some of the other girls. We had a tent and some games. It was all fun and all for a cause. I also finally got over my fear of dancing in public!! It took many late night practices, patience from Karen cuz sometimes I just wouldn’t get the moves, but I performed at Noche De Estrellas with the girls. Honestly, it was one of my favorite experiences at UC Davis period. We rocked it, our lovely Mujeres made signs for us and it was something to check off the Bucket List. I just strutted my stuff up there as if I were freakin Beyonce or Shakira. Lol. We also had banquet where we got our Seniors’ sash and present. I will cherish those friendships, the memories and that bracelet for years to come.  Thanks Mujeres for making 2011 so awesome!
Not only did I dance in front of my biggest crowd to date but I also sang in front of my biggest crowd.  Seriously how many people were at Chi/Latino graduation?? Like hundreds for sure, a thousand maaaaybe. It was one side of the Aggie Stadium plus the graduating class yo!! Even though we only had a few seconds to give our shout outs I spent a good 10 seconds singing Blue Skies followed by 10 seconds of giving shout outs to all my fans. I was so effing proud of myself and so happy that I had my loved ones to support me that I didn’t care how long I was up there. I even cursed!- although that was on accident. Lol. I didn’t want to do it. I was convinced I wasn’t going to but Jesus and Adrian kept texting me begging me to do it! I stopped and thought and I was like fuck it. It’s my moment. Just do it.
Along with the last part… just GRADUATING FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, DAVIS.  Are you kidding me?? The smile on my face the day of graduation could not be wiped off no matter how hard anyone tried. Seriously, it was on from the time I woke up to the moment I knocked out with Jenny. It was such a good feeling. Not many people have the opportunity to go to a 4 year University. Out of those who do, not everyone makes it to graduation. I graduated with two majors and was only there for two years. J I gained so much knowledge, made so many friendships, went through unimaginable experiences and grew more than I expect as a person. I am blessed to have been able to be at my University and to have been able to go through everything I went through. For that I am thankful. Thanks God. J
This year I also turned 23, which is my favorite number. I have such a good feeling about 23 that I am sure this is one of the years that I will look back to in life and distinctly remember. I had that feeling going in and let me tell you, being where I am today, I was not wrong. It will only get better going into 2012 but for the little bit I was 23 in 2011 it was nothing but grand. I started taking charge of my life as an adult, started my post-college life and am on a full search of knowledge and adventure. I decided this is the year to experiment, make mistakes, explore and follow my heart. So far I’m doing just fine.     
Finally, the most obvious one being as you are at this blog right now, in 2011 I MOVED TO ITALY!! Seriously, the best decision I have ever made in my life. I am not saying that Italy is glamorous or that I am accomplishing much here, because to be honest, I am not.  I am, however, learning so much about myself. I don’t know what I was expecting when I moved here and I am not sure if I found it. I do know that every day is a new experience. Every day I learn, explore, live. Here there is no comfort zone, there are no certainties at any given moment, there is no one you have known for more than a month or two, there are no refunds, and everything is fast paced. You do not fit in. Everyone knows you are an outsider. There isn’t too much time when it comes to making any type of decision. In order to make it here you have to think fast. You have to take chances. By doing this I am growing and I am learning. It’s funny but even though I get homesick I really like it here. I love the thrill of any decision making, I love that I complain about having to walk into one store for food, another for clothes, another for workout clothes and another for shoes. There is no Target or Costco. Back home I don’t even like going to those places alone. Here I go everywhere alone. When I have a friend to go with that is a luxury. The point is, Italy is making me notice things about myself I didn’t notice before. I am also changing here and I can tell it’s for the better. I am also growing comfortable with who I am as a person because it’s the only stable and secure thing I have here. I am the only thing that belongs to me in this country. Back home I would think twice about telling people some of my experiences, especially the ones I am ashamed of. Here I a, completely honest. I tell people my stories because they are the only thing I have and also, because people trust me with their stories as well. I’ve told people here things I’ve never told my best friends back home. I’ve mentioned things I wouldn’t ever bring up after knowing someone for two weeks. But here, things just come up.
The people are the ones I will remember the most. Those students from NHS and my mentor Vito will always be in my heart. Same goes for the interest group, my buddies, Mujeres, my besties, my professors, my family, my Napa friends, my Italian majors, the Via Lingua crew, the students from the American Language Center, my roomies here in Italy, the random people I’ve met here, the Brazilian family who hired me here and many others who made 2011 so awesome. 


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